
You know everybody, Year 12 is TOUGH, but you have to soldier through it. I've been so indecisive over what to do after year 12. I always knew 'studying' wasn't the thing for me, but i never gave up on it. Today i gave up on it, I'm going to finish year 12 and do what I've always wanted to do. CUT HAIR. So pretty much if you want to do something and you like it just do it, you're never too old to change your mind. When you reach 30 just make sure you know what you like and what you're doing because you MUST support you and your family.

And most of all discuss your life with your parents, brothers, sisters, friends. But don't let them make the decisions for you, you make your own decisions. It's not what others think which make your decisions important, it's what you think which make your decisions important. Everyone has a different importance to them.

So pretty much, my life after year 12 is decided I am going to cut hair. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you figured that now - rather than realising it halfway through your degree at university. Goodluck! I'm expecting free haircuts from you mister! :)
