Why would I ever, Why would I ever...

Sunday, FAIL.
Job, FAIL.
Relationship, FAIL.
Car, FAIL.

My life is full of fail, not really, I just didn't get to do the things I really needed to do on Sunday and Monday so that was FAIL.

I hate my job as a hairdresser as of right now, I don't like the people I work with, always stressing me and pissing me off at work, It's fortunate that I'm a very nice person who is rather passive. If i could I would yell at you all when you're in the wrong, but who am I to do that since I'm just a 1st year apprentice and you're all my seniors. I don't like where I am right now, I don't like working in a Caucasian salon and getting told off by all of you, NOW I'm not saying I don't like getting told off, I just don't want to get told off by people who are HYPOCRITES and by people I DON'T RESPECT.

If I was working in an asian salon and got told off I wouldn't care as much because I would respect my seniors SIMPLY because they're asian and they cut hair the way I would like to cut hair.

You're all fucking stressing me out, I'm just going to leave you all one day stranded. You might even end my career before it's starts because of all of your bullshit, I hate your fakeness.

... I have plans of changing careers.

Relationship fail, I thought I had a thing with someone, I was so fucking obsessed with you and it was MORE then OBVIOUS that I liked you, yet you decided to play along and fuck up my feelings, throwing empty chances at me like as if they meant something when they didn't. Don't fucking claim me as your's and don't fucking give me pet names if it's just for FUN, because in a PERFECT WORLD it fucking means something.

SO FUCK YOU!. Yes I spent alot of money on you and tried to support you financially, but I don't regret it, because I don't put a price on my feelings. Money was not an issue to me. Fuck the late nights I spent with you.


I'm waiting impatiently to buy a car.

Someone come to my rescue while I'm still here.

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